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发表于 2018-9-2 23:13:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
为什么要研究 GM 的信贷部门(GM Financial)?</b>
我们研究 GM 的信贷部门(GM Financial)的目的有以下几点:
1. 在 GM 估值如此便宜【1】的情况下,我们最害怕的就是遇到价值陷阱(value trap)或者踩雷。历史上,美国的很多制造业公司都被自己的信贷部门拖垮,比如 GE。在这个背景下,研究 GM Financial 是一种必要的排雷工作。(下一期要排的雷更复杂:通用的养老金);
2. 我希望能看到 GM 的车辆销售数据不是靠信贷扩张支持的 — 由信贷支持的繁荣即是泡沫。
3. 我特别希望了解通用是否通过贷款把车卖给信用较低的消费者。
带着这三个目的,我们阅读了通用 2015、2016、2017 的年报(10-K)。以下数据全部来自年报,我们没有参考二手文章。
GM Financial 是做什么的:</b>
1. 为消费者买车和长租车提供贷款。【在美国,很多消费者选择长租车,一般一租好几年,在到期之后就会把车还给经销商(dealer,大概相当于 4s 店),经销商负责在二手车市场卖掉(所以这里涉及到计算二手车的残值)。】。GM Financial provides retail loan and lease lending across the credit spectrum.
2. 为经销商提高贷款,以便帮他们扩大经营。Additionally GM Financial offers commercial products to dealers that include new and used vehicle inventory financing and dealer loans, which are loans to finance improvements to dealership facilities, to provide working capital, and to purchase and/or finance dealership real estate.
总体来讲,GM Financial 对母公司的可以分成两类:
A. 贷款可以帮助母公司卖更多的车。这是 GM Financial 对母公司的间接贡献。
B. 同时放贷还会产生更多的租金和利息收入。在财报里,你可以明确的看到这一项【见下图】。

可以看到,在 2017 年的运营利润上,GM Financial 为母公司直接贡献了 10%+,在 2015 年这个贡献只有 5%-。
另外,在算 margin 的时候,其实 SG&A 应该算到 Auto 那个 section 里面,因此得出 GM Financial 和 Auto(即主业务 --- 卖车) 的 Operating Margin 大概都在 8% 左右。没有 Auto margin 低、 GM Finance margin 高之说。
在这里我们很关心一个数据:信贷渗透率。意思是,在所有卖的车中,有多少车是通过 GM Financial 贷款的。在查阅了三年的年报后,我们可以看到信贷渗透率从 2014 的 10% 到 2017 的 37%。由此可见,GM Financial 对汽车销量的愈来愈重要的贡献。
2017 10K: GM Financial's retail penetration in North America grew to approximately 37% in the year ended December 31, 2017 from approximately 33% in 2016 as a result of the expanded leasing and lending programs.
2016 10K: GM Financial's retail penetration in North America grew to approximately 33% in the year ended December 31, 2016 from approximately 30% in the corresponding period in 2015 as a result of the expanded leasing and lending programs.
In the year ended December 31, 2015 GM Financial's retail penetration in North America grew to approximately 30%, up from approximately 10% in 2014.
另外,很有意思的一点是,你可以看出美国人民对皮卡和 SUV 的喜爱【其实很多时候我们认为皮卡业务属于 2B,而非 2C 的业务,因为皮卡大多作为生产工具。在美国,皮卡的效用大概相当于五菱宏光,但其售价很贵 — 大概比奔驰 E 的稍微便宜一些】:

Generally GM Financial seeks to fund its operations in each country through local sources to minimize currency and country risk. GM Financial primarily finances its loan, lease and commercial origination volume through the use of secured and unsecured credit facilities, through securitization transactions where such markets are developed and through the issuance of unsecured debt in public markets.
To help mitigate interest rate risk or mismatched funding, GM Financial may employ hedging strategies to lock in the interest rate spread.
In GM Financial's securitization transactions it can transfer fixed rate finance receivables to securitization trusts that, in turn, sell either fixed rate or floating rate securities to investors.
GM Financial 的资产证券化行为都是通过 VIE (特殊用途企业)发的,和母公司隔离。所以即使消费者如果不还钱了,母公司也不用承担债务责任。
但是需要注意的是,通用在处理母公司的财务报表的时候,并不把这些 VIE 的部分做为表外资产。在 2017, 大概 37% ’ s asset 和 liabilities 是属于这些 VIE 的。所以,作为投资者,在算 ROA 和各种 leverage 的 ratio 的时候,其实应该去除这一部分。
Facilities or asset-backed securities to investors in securitization transactions. The debt issued by these VIEs is backed by finance receivables and leasing related assets transferred to the VIEs ( Securitized Assets ) .
While these subsidiaries are included in GM Financial's consolidated financial statements, they are separate legal entities and their assets are legally owned by them and are not available to GM Financial's creditors. The following table summarizes the assets and liabilities related to GM Financial's consolidated VIEs:
在 2017 年,GM Financial 的 33% 的贷款是次贷。但同时,另一个数据让我吃惊:回首 2014 年,83% 的贷款是次贷!可以看到,从 2014 年到 2017 年,GM Financial 变的整体更健康了。【所谓次贷,就是把钱借给信用分数很低的消费者,以便帮助他们完成买车心愿。】
At December 31, 2017 and 2016 33% and 41% of retail finance receivables were from consumers with sub-prime credit scores, which are defined as FICO scores or equivalent scores of less than 620 at the time of loan origination.
At December 31, 2016 and 2015, 48% and 60% of the retail finance receivables in North America were from consumers with sub-prime credit scores, which are defined as FICO scores or its equivalent of less than 620 at the time of loan origination.
At December 31, 2015 and 2014, 60% and 83% of the retail finance receivables in North America were from consumers with sub-prime credit scores, which are defined as FICO scores of less than 620 at the time of loan origination.
1. GM Financial 有 33% 的消费者是次贷,虽然比例较高,但比 2014 年已经健康了很多。
2. 通用在 2015 -2017 年这个周期的增长是由消费者信贷扩张支撑的。从更宏观的角度考虑,车贷的利率在过去三年都在 4% 以下,消费者也有充分的动机利用车贷来买新车。
3. GM Financial 与母公司有很好的法律和财务隔离,所以至少信贷部门不会在金融危机的时候让通用死掉。。
但是,从宏观角度讲,现在将近 40% 的消费者通过车贷买车,可见车贷是导致汽车行业的周期性的一个重要原因。这个行业靠消费者债务扩张享受了繁荣,因此也要承受消费者信贷紧缩时的痛苦。
【1】福特/通用 研究笔记(0):末日估值
$ 通用汽车 ( GM ) $
@今日话题 @大隐于市谢强 @坚信价值 @TLS 美股研究
/xz ] ] >







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